How to Fundraise
The BDD Foundation needs funds to support the charity and provide help and information to people with BDD and their carers.
Follow the steps below to make your fundraiser a success. And, if at any point, you need support, contact us.
Step 1. Choose your event

Your event is more likely to be a success if it’s enjoyable, so choose something you love and turn it into a charity opportunity. If athletics aren’t for you, there are lots of other ways you can fundraise, such as a bake sale, a marathon online gaming session or selling artwork! Get creative, we love to hear of the wonderful, weird or wacky ways you want to fundraise for us. Here are some examples of previous fundraisers.
Step 2. Set up a fundraising page

Online fundraising is one of the quickest and safest ways of raising money. Simply use Givey or Just Giving to create your own page, personalise it with your story and photos, and email the link to everyone you know. Your sponsors can donate quickly and easily online with a credit or debit card.
Step 3. Spread your message

Share your campaign widely: social media, posters, emails to friends and family for them to pass on. You never know when your message will reach someone also passionate about supporting people with BDD.
Step 4. Let us know about your fundraising

Keep us updated about your fundraising so we can help you publicise, and if you need any general help please get in touch.
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