Seeking help for BDD

If you feel that you are suffering from BDD, or have been diagnosed with BDD, the good news is that treatments are available.

How to reach out for help

Talking about appearance anxiety can be difficult and feel embarrassing. The problem is, BDD is unlikely to just get better by itself, so if you do think that this sounds like something you are going through, it is really important that you try to reach out to someone.

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What does treatment look like?

If you feel that you are suffering from BDD, or have been diagnosed with BDD, the good news is that treatments are available.

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Accessing Treatment on the NHS

In the UK you have a right to access treatment for BDD via the National Health Service (NHS).

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Are Cosmetic Treatments helpful?

Someone with BDD is very worried about perceived flaw/s in appearance, so it’s understandable that they will seek physical solutions to these concerns. However, BDD is a psychological problem and requires psychological treatment.

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Support at School & University

We know around 2% of the students in your school, college or university are likely to have this condition. There are ways that you can be supported through your education.

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Coping Day to Day

Outside of professional help and treatment, there are lots of tools and activities that may help relieve your symptoms of BDD.

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How to Support a Friend with BDD

If you think your friend might have BDD, and you are worried about them, there are a few options for you to consider.

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The Body Dysmorphic Disorder Foundation. Charity no. 1153753.