10K in May Roundup

An update on all the wonderful activities of our 10K in May team!

We are pleased to announce that our ’10K in May’ fundraising team; Liane, Rachel, Jem, Zosia & Gem, have collectively raised nearly £2000! This is an incredible achievement, and we are so grateful for the dedication, effort, and commitment each of you has put into your individual challenges.

We know the hard work hasn’t only been in the physical challenges. There has been wonderful awareness raising, rallying support, spreading the word, and keeping the momentum going – this all requires a lot of perseverance and enthusiasm, but your passion and dedication have made a real difference.

To all our fundraisers, thank you for your incredible effort. You have shown us what’s possible when we come together to collectively fundraise, and we couldn’t have done it without you. Your commitment not only helps us financially but also raises awareness and encourages others to join our cause.

Inspired? Contact fundraising@bddfoundation.org today!

The Body Dysmorphic Disorder Foundation. Charity no. 1153753.